

After several years of my existance, it has become conventional that in the middle of some conversation, usually with women, that the phrase "everyone has a feminine side..." emerges. It is one of the perfect clichés. It is so neat, that is truly anoying. Ok I know that I get emotional sometimes, but it is really necessary to insist and amplify it?!!
Yes it is, and by the way this complaining is part of my feminine side, also.
But last week in one more rise of the clichés, this case in Berlin and having a conversation with a Deutsch Mädchen, I just gently exploded and asked "what about everyones male side?!!"
Blasfemy or a punch in the gut?!!
The truth is that women have a male side. They also scratch themselfs,
neglect their personal hygiene, talk less, sometimes don´t shop for two and a half days, and in some rare cases they tend to get concentrated in one only task.
So the next time some woman tries to make a man admit their soft side, go along, admit but go for the throat "...yes, that movie really touched my heart in a way I couldn't describe it. By the way, when you have nuts in your salads, do your farts tend to smell like you are taking a shit by a barn?!!".

Yeah baby, yeah!!

1 comment:

Captain Ré said...

agora que tas no estrangeiro, era giro actualizar esta treta de blog... digo eu...